
Authorssort descendingYearTitle
C. L. Lundell1941Studies of American spermatophytes - I
C. L. Lundell1937Chanekia, a new genus in the Lauraceae
H. Léveillé1914Flore du Kouy-Tchéou
H. Léveillé1914Decades plantarum novarum. CXXXII-CXXXV.
H. Léveillé1913Decades plantarum novarum. CXII-CXVIII.
H. Léveillé1912Decades plantarum novarum. LXXV-LXXIX.
H. Léveillé1912Decades plantarum novarum. XC-XCII.
H. Léveillé1911Decades plantarum novarum. LIX-LXX.
A. E. López1955Comentario sobre "Laurus", de Ruiz y Pavón, con notas de Dombey acerca de algunas de sus especies
H. Ruiz López, Pavon J. Antonio1804Flora Peruviana, et Chilensis IV (Laurographia)
R. Lösch1980Die Hitzeresistenz der Pflanzen des kanarischen Lorbeerwaldes
J. F. Macbride1931Spermatophytes, mostly Peruvian - III
M. K. Macphail1980Fossil and modern Beilschmiedia (Lauraceae) pollen in New Zealand
S. Madriñán2004Rhodostemonodaphne (Lauraceae)
S. Madriñán1996New species of Rhodostemonodaphne (Lauraceae) from northeastern South America
S. Madriñán1996Systematic Studies in the Lauraceae Monograph of Rhodostemonodaphne
B. Maguire, Wurdack, J. J., Allen, C. K.1964The botany of the Guayana Highland - Part V
D. H. Mai1971Über fossile Lauraceae und Theaceae in Mitteleuropa
J. H. Maiden, Betche E.1899Notes from the Botanic Gardens, Sydney. No. 4
J. H. Maiden, Betche E.1899Notes from the Botanic Gardens, Sydney. No. 4.
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V. S. Manickam, Murungan, C., Jothi, G. J., Sundaresan, V.2007A new species of Beilschmiedia (Lauraceae) from the Western Ghats, India
J. Matsumura1912Index plantarum Japonicarum
J. Matsumura, Hayata B.1906Enumeratio Plantarum in Insula Formosa sponte crescentium hucusque rite cognitarum adjectis descriptionibus et figuris specierum pro regione novarum
A. Da Matta, de Carvalho, R. B., Vicentini, A.2016Aniba inaequabilis (Lauraceae), a new species from Peru
M. Gomez de la Maza1889Diccionario botánico de los nombres vulgares cubanos y puerto-riqueños
H. R. E. Handel-Mazzetti1931Symbolae Sinicae
H. R. E. Handel-Mazzetti1922Plantae novae Sinenses (16. Fortsetzung).
H. R. E. Handel-Mazzetti1921Plantae novae Sinenses (12. Fortsetzung).
H. R. E. Handel-Mazzetti1921Plantae novae Sinenses (10. Fortsetzung).
C. Friedrich Meisner1864Ordo CLXII. Lauraceae
C. Friedrich Meisner1866Lauraceae et Hernandiaceae
C. Friedrich Meisner1870Symbolae ad floram Brasiliae centralis cognoscendam 6. Polygonaceae, Lauraceae, Proteaceae
E. D. Merrill1948Neolitsea (Bentham) Merrill, nomen conservandum propositum
E. D. Merrill1938New or noteworthy Indo-Chinese plants
E. D. Merrill1929Plantae Elmerianae Borneenses
E. D. Merrill1927New Chinese ligneous plants
E. D. Merrill1923Diagnoses of Hainan plants, II
E. D. Merrill1922Diagnoses of Hainan plants
E. D. Merrill1920Additional notes on the Kwangtung flora
E. D. Merrill1919Notes on the Flora of Sumatra
E. D. Merrill1919New or noteworthy Philippine plants, XV
E. D. Merrill1918Notes on the flora of Loh Fau mountain, Kwangtung province, China
E. D. Merrill1917An interpretation of Rumphius's Herbarium Amboinense
E. D. Merrill1909New or noteworthy Philippine plants, VII
E. D. Merrill1906The Flora of the Lamao Forest Reserve
E. D. Merrill1906New or noteworthy Philippine plants, V
C. Mez1920Additamenta monographica 1919
C. Mez1907Plantae Peckoltianae
C. Mez1906Additamenta monographica 1906


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith