Phylogenetic study of the genus Nectandra (Lauraceae), and reinstatement of Damburneya

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:2016
Authors:D. Trofimov, Rudolph, B., Rohwer, J. G.
Start Page:980
Date Published:10/2016

Earlier studies indicated that the genus Nectandra, currently the second-largest genus of the Neotropical Lauraceae, might be diphyletic in its traditional circumscription, but the evidence was not quite conclusive. Our phylogenetic analyses based on nuclear (ITS) and chloroplast (psbA-trnH) sequences of 45 Nectandra species as well as 42 representatives of 18 genera of the core Lauraceae (Ocotea complex, Laureae, Aiouea, Asian Cinnamomum and Persea groups) confirm the suspicion that Nectandra is diphyletic. The two groups, Nectandra s.str. and the N. coriacea group, are each well supported in the maximum parsimony and Bayesian analyses, but they are not sister to each other. Nectandra s.str. is sister to Pleurothyrium, and the clade including Nectandra s.str. and Pleurothyrium is very likely closer to the dioecious taxa of the Ocotea complex. The N. coriacea group, on the other hand, appears to be closer to bisexual taxa known as the Ocotea helicterifolia group. In addition, Nectandra s.str. is characterized by a large deletion in the psbA-trnH spacer compared to all other core Lauraceae, including its sister group Pleurothyrium. Considering these facts, Nectandra cannot be maintained in the traditional sense. We therefore transfer the species of the N. coriacea group to the oldest generic name applied to this group, Damburneya . On the basis of fossil records from the American subcontinents and in accordance with previous phylogenetic and molecular clock studies we suggest a scenario of a climate-driven migration from North to South America, with a subsequent rapid radiation of Nectandra s.str. in South America.

Alternate Journal:Taxon
Taxonomic name: 
Actinodaphne sesquipedalis (Lauraceae taxonomy), Neolitsea sericea (Lauraceae taxonomy), Lindera benzoin (Lauraceae taxonomy), Laurus nobilis (Lauraceae taxonomy), Aiouea guianensis (Lauraceae taxonomy), Aiouea saligna (Lauraceae taxonomy), Cinnamomum formicarium (Lauraceae taxonomy), Cinnamomum hirsutum (Lauraceae taxonomy), Cinnamomum pseudoglaziovii (Lauraceae taxonomy), Aniba cinnamomiflora (Lauraceae taxonomy), Ocotea aciphylla (Lauraceae taxonomy), Ocotea odorifera (Lauraceae taxonomy), Dicypellium manausense (Lauraceae taxonomy), Ocotea quixos (Lauraceae taxonomy), Kubitzkia mezii (Lauraceae taxonomy), Licaria cannella (Lauraceae taxonomy), Licaria triandra (Lauraceae taxonomy), Ocotea bullata (Lauraceae taxonomy), Ocotea malcomberi (Lauraceae taxonomy), Nectandra ambigens (Lauraceae taxonomy), Nectandra gentlei (Lauraceae taxonomy), Nectandra coriacea (Lauraceae taxonomy), Nectandra salicifolia (Lauraceae taxonomy), Nectandra martinicensis (Lauraceae taxonomy), Nectandra patens (Lauraceae taxonomy), Nectandra purpurea (Lauraceae taxonomy), Ocotea botrantha (Lauraceae taxonomy), Ocotea sinuata (Lauraceae taxonomy), Ocotea purpurea (Lauraceae taxonomy), Ocotea salvadorensis (Lauraceae taxonomy), Ocotea macrophylla (Lauraceae taxonomy), Ocotea praetermissa (Lauraceae taxonomy), Ocotea foetens (Lauraceae taxonomy), Umbellularia californica (Lauraceae taxonomy), Cinnamomum verum (Lauraceae taxonomy), Cinnamomum camphora (Lauraceae taxonomy), Cinnamomum japonicum (Lauraceae taxonomy), Machilus grijsii (Lauraceae taxonomy), Phoebe sheareri (Lauraceae taxonomy), Persea americana (Lauraceae taxonomy)
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith