Phylogeny of the Southeast Asian endemic genus Neocinnamomum H. Liu (Lauraceae)

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:2010
Authors:Z. -hua Wang, Li, J., Conran, J. G., Li, H. - W.
Journal:Plant Systematics and Evolution
Start Page:173
Date Published:10/2010
Keywords:Caryodaphnopsis, Cassytha, Consensus network, Lauraceae, Long-branch attraction, Neocinnamomum, Phylogeny

A phylogenetic analysis of Neocinnamomum H. Liu and related genera was conducted using psbA–trnH, trnK cpDNA regions, and the ITS nrDNA segment. Neocinnamomum was confirmed to be monophyletic, and an evolutionary series of inflorescence development within the genus was recognized. The compound thyrse seen in N. caudatum is reduced to the few- to many-flowered condensed inflorescences with a poorly defined branching system seen in most species and ultimately to the 1-flowered inflorescence seen in N. atjehense. Consensus network analysis (CNA) suggested that long-branch attraction is responsible for the observed close relationship between Neocinnamomum and Cassytha L. in a combined analysis of the complete data. In contrast, the sister relationship of Neocinnamomum and Caryodaphnopsis seen in the Bayesian analyses of the partial combined matrix was supported by CNA and is also supported by morphology and wood and bark anatomy. The close similarity of the compound thyrse of less derived Neocinnamomum species to the thyrsoid inflorescences of some Caryodaphnopsis species is also seen as strong support for their affinity.

Alternate Journal:Pl. Syst. Evol.
Refereed Designation:Refereed
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