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Note on Classification
List of names from TROPICOS - all other data entered by us.
N.B.: These data are in the process of being edited. Look for literature data do see if a particular name has been edited or not. The others are of course NOT all accepted names. If you have any question about a name, please contact us.
Captured with a regular camera.
photo by Marcelo L. Brotto. Voucher: Brazil, Paraná, Guaraqueçaba, Reserva Natural Salto Morato; 17 feb 2009; flower; M.L. Brotto et al. 298 (NY,RB,UPCB); in Atlantic Forest
photo by Marcelo L. Brotto. Voucher: Brazil, Paraná, Guaraqueçaba, Reserva Natural Salto Morato; 17 feb 2009; flower; M.L. Brotto et al. 298 (NY,RB,UPCB); in Atlantic Forest
photo by Marcelo L. Brotto. Voucher: Brazil, Paraná, Guaraqueçaba, Reserva Natural Salto Morato; 17 feb 2009; flower; M.L. Brotto et al. 298 (NY,RB,UPCB); in Atlantic Forest
photo by Marcelo L. Brotto. Voucher: Brazil, Paraná, Guaraqueçaba, Reserva Natural Salto Morato; 17 feb 2009; flower; M.L. Brotto et al. 298 (NY,RB,UPCB); in Atlantic Forest
photo by Marcelo L. Brotto. Voucher: Brazil, Paraná, Guaraqueçaba, Reserva Natural Salto Morato; 17 feb 2009; flower; M.L. Brotto et al. 298 (NY,RB,UPCB); in Atlantic Forest
Eusideroxylon zwageri Teijsm. & Binn., JR59921
photo by Jens G. Rohwer; Indonesia, Java, Bogor Botanic Garden, 26 Aug 2013; young treelet
Eusideroxylon zwageri Teijsm. & Binn., JR59917
photo by Jens G. Rohwer; Indonesia, Java, Bogor Botanic Garden, 26 Aug 2013; young treelet
Eusideroxylon zwageri Teijsm. & Binn., JR59919
photo by Jens G. Rohwer; Indonesia, Java, Bogor Botanic Garden, 26 Aug 2013; young treelet
Eusideroxylon zwageri Teijsm. & Binn., JR59920
photo by Jens G. Rohwer; Indonesia, Java, Bogor Botanic Garden, 26 Aug 2013; young treelet
Ocotea nunesiana (Vattimo-Gil) Baitello
photo by Marcelo L. Brotto. Voucher: Brazil, Paraná, Piraquara, Recreio da Serra; 11 february 2014; M.L. Brotto 1538 (MBM); in Atlantic Forest