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Note on Classification
List of names from TROPICOS - all other data entered by us.
N.B.: These data are in the process of being edited. Look for literature data do see if a particular name has been edited or not. The others are of course NOT all accepted names. If you have any question about a name, please contact us.
Captured with a regular camera.
Cryptocarya oahuensis (O. Deg.) Fosberg, JR64365.jpg
U.S.A., Hawaii, Oahu, Waianae Mountains, 05 Jul 2014
Cryptocarya oahuensis (O. Deg.) Fosberg, JR64367.jpg
U.S.A., Hawaii, Oahu, Waianae Mountains, 05 Jul 2014
Cryptocarya oahuensis (O. Deg.) Fosberg, JR64372.jpg
U.S.A., Hawaii, Oahu, Waianae Mountains, 05 Jul 2014
Cryptocarya oahuensis (O. Deg.) Fosberg, JR64373.jpg
U.S.A., Hawaii, Oahu, Waianae Mountains, 05 Jul 2014
Figure 1 – a. adaxial leaf surface; b. abaxial leaf surface; c. flowering branch; d. flowering branch (a-b. Brotto & Mancinelli 447; c-d. Brotto 1617).
Figure 2 – Ocotea marumbiensis: a. inflorescences; b. inflorescences; c. flowers; h. immature fruit; i. mature fruit; j. trunk rhytidome; Ocotea indecora: d. inflorescences; e. flowers; f. inflorescences; g. flowers (a,c. Brotto 1617; b,j. Brotto & Mancinelli 447; h. Brotto 482; i. Brotto 483; d-e. Brotto 740; f-g. Brotto 1615).
Difference between related species: Ocotea marumbiensis and Ocotea indecora=Ocotea elegans (concept of Assis & Mello-Silva 2010)
Botanical Garden of Hamburg, Germany, 30 Jan 2014
Botanical Garden of Hamburg, Germany, 04 June 2007
Botanical Garden of Hamburg, Germany, 16 June 2008