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Home » Lauraceae taxonomy » Lauraceae » Beilschmiedia » Beilschmiedia tovarensis - (Klotzsch & H. Karst. ex Meisn.) Sach. Nishida
Lauraceae taxonomy
Note on Classification
List of names from TROPICOS - all other data entered by us.
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Beilschmiedia tovarensis (Klotzsch & H. Karst. ex Meisn.) Sach. Nishida
Family: LauraceaeGenus: Beilschmiedia
Beilschmiedia tovarensis (Klotzsch & H. Karst. ex Meisn.) Sach. Nishida
Vernacular names:
Vernacular name:
Vernacular name:
Aguacatillo de montaña
Vernacular name:
Roble palta
Vernacular name:
Palta moena
Reference for current status:
Nishida, Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 86: 696. 1999.
unprocessed publication data:
Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 86: 696. 1999.
Additional type data:
Syntypes: Colombia. Locality unknown, Karsten 88 (B). Venezela. Mérida: Tovar, ca. 1920 m, 28 Aug. 1854 (fl), Fendler 1094 (NY).
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