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Lauraceae taxonomy
Note on Classification
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Beilschmiedia sulcata (Ruiz & Pav.) Kosterm.
Family: LauraceaeGenus: Beilschmiedia
Beilschmiedia sulcata (Ruiz & Pav.) Kosterm.
Reference for current status:
Nishida, Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 86: 698. 1999.
unprocessed publication data:
Rec. Trav. Bot. Néerl. 35: 850. 1938.
Additional type data:
Peru. Muña, (immature? fr), Ruiz s.n. (lectotype, designated by Kosermans 1938, MA; isolectotypes B, BM, F, G).
Miscellaneous information:
Nishida (1999) wrote "In Ruiz & Pavon's (1804) illustration of Laurus sulcata in Flora Peruviana, the anthers are drawn as having 4 cells. However, there are no flowers in the holotype seen by Velayos (pers. comm.) or any isotypes I have seen. It is unknown whether the illustration is corredt and this is a species of Beilschmiedia with 4-celled anthers, or if the illustration is erroneous. Thus far no fertile specimen has been located that corresponds to the type or illustration."