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Lauraceae taxonomy
Note on Classification
List of names from TROPICOS - all other data entered by us.
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Mezilaurus wurdackiana C.K. Allen
Species: Mezilaurus lindavianaSpecies: Misanteca duckei
Mezilaurus wurdackiana C.K. Allen
not accepted
Unacceptability Reason:
heterotypic (taxonomic) synonym
Vernacular names:
Vernacular name:
Vernacular name:
Reference for current status:
van der Werff, Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 74: 166. 1987.
unprocessed publication data:
Mem. New York Bot. Garden 10: 56. 1964.
Original type data:
Type. Tree 50 cm DBH, leaves alternate, exstipulate, buds green, 12 km east of Ranch House, headwaters of Río Saca, Hato de La Vergareña, Bolívar, Venezuela, 420-500 m, 18 Oct. 1954, J. J. Wurdack & N.G. L. Guppy 91 (fl. NY).
[Paratypes] VENEZUELA. Bolívar: Hato La Vergareña, Wurdack & Guppy 114 (st. NY). BRAZIL. Pará: Igarapé da lama, terra firme, mata virgeni, Planalto de Santarém, Froes 30976 (fl. NY).
Additional type data:
Venezuela. Bolívar: Hato La Vergareña, Wurdack & Guppy 91 (holotype, NY, isotype, US)
URL of protologue: