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Laurus reticulata Ruiz & Pav.
Genus: NectandraSpecies: Nectandra reticulata
Laurus reticulata Ruiz & Pav.
not accepted
Unacceptability Reason:
homotypic (nomenclatural) synonym
Flora Peruviana, et Chilensis IV (Laurographia) plate CCCXLVIII
Reference for current status:
Rohwer 1993, Fl. Neotrop. Monogr. 60
unprocessed publication data:
Fl. peruv. 4: t.348. 1804.
Original type data:
Habitat in Andium Peruviae nemoribus ad Cuchero, Chinchao et Pozuzo. Joannes Tafalla hanc ipsam speciem prope fluvium Maraynioc circa Vitoc arcem etiam invenit.
Additional type data:
Cuchero, May[–September ?] 1780, fl., H. Ruíz L. & J. A. Pavón s.n. (MA 811776 [with handwritten labels “Laurus reticulata Laurographia Pavon et Sp. Pl. Fl. Per. / de Cuchero” by Pavón, and “Enneandria Monogyn. Casyta ? Laurus F P. c. L. N. 160 Ex Vitoc [Tarma]. Año 94” by Tafalla]; Isolectotypes, F [0040293F, ex MA, ex Vitoc, fragments of leaf and flower], MA 811778 [numbered “13/19”], MA 811780 [F neg. 29398; numbered “13/19”]). Syntypes: PERU. Cuchero and Chinchao, s.d., fl., H. Ruíz L. & J. A. Pavón s.n. (A 00041960 [Pavón 504 ex G], B 10 0185150, BC 872724, BM 000947252, BR 0000008808370 [ex Herb. Reg. Berolinense ex Herb. Lamberti], F [0040319F; F neg. 58079], F [0040320F; F neg. 58078, with flower and fruit], FI-W n.v., G 00020756 (Pavón 504, 2 sheets), G 00020755 & G 00020758 (Pavón s.n.; 7 sheets), G (4 sheets), GZU 000261284 [fragment], HAL 0010378 [ex Herb. Reg. Berolinense ex Herb. Lamberti], MA 811777 & MA 811779 [ex Herbarium Peruvianum Ruiz et Pavon, numbered “13/20”], MA 811781 [Pavón’s label annotated as “Laurus reticulata / Laurographia Pavon et Sp. Pl. Fl. Per.”], P 00571439 [ex Herb. Pavon], P 00571440 [ex Herb. Pavon No. 36, annotated by Mez], P 00571441 [ex Herb. Reg. Berolinense ex Herb. Lamberti]; PERU. Cuchero, July, fl., J. Dombey s.n. (B 10 0185149, G-DC, GZU 000254296 [fragment], MA 811775 [ex Herb. Ruiz & Pavón, with Dombey’s label as “Laurus pubescens. F. p. 1780/in Sylvis Cochero,” and “Enneandria monogynia… /habitat in Sylvis Cochero, floret julio;” see Alvarez Lopez, 1956: 75, and Ruiz and Pavón, 1989], P 00745320, P 00745321, P-JU 00662847; also syntypes of Nectandra villosa Nees & Mart. var. venosa Nees, Syst. Laur.: 291. 1836). Icon: Laurographia t. 3 (G [F neg. 34250]).
Miscellaneous information:
Rohwer (1986) considered this name invalid, because the text of the Flora Peruviana et Chilensis 4 remained unpublished until 1957. However, the plates have been distributed at some time between 1804 and 1830, and the plate of this species shows floral detail. According to Art. 42.3 / 42.4 this is sufficient for valid publication, although the precise date cannot be ascertained. Another name for this species, Ocotea mollis Kunth, has been published in 1818. Therefore, the correct name for this species may be Nectandra mollis (Kunth) Nees, as assumed by Rohwer (1986).
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