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Lauraceae taxonomy
Note on Classification
List of names from TROPICOS - all other data entered by us.
N.B.: These data are in the process of being edited. Look for literature data do see if a particular name has been edited or not. The others are of course NOT all accepted names. If you have any question about a name, please contact us.
Ocotea albida Mez & Rusby
Ocotea albida Mez & Rusby
Reference for current status:
van der Werff 2014, Novon 23: 341.
unprocessed publication data:
Mem. Torrey Bot. Club 6: 114. 1896.
Original type data:
Mapiri, July-Aug., 1892 (1550). Between Tipuani and Guanai, Dec. (1646).
Additional type data:
Bolivia, La Paz, Mapiri, Jul-Aug 1892: Bang 1550 (Lectotype, designated by van der Werff 2014, Novon 23: 341: NY 00355568; isotypes A 00042079, B 10 0243832, E 00259492, F 0061567F, G 00369205, G 00369206, GH 00042077, GH 00042078, K 000602413, LE 00000158, M 0147159, MICH 1104587, MO 247643, NY 00355569, NY 00355570, PH 00019555, PUL 00000295, US 00099198, US 00731451, WU; fragm. HBG; probable isotype BM 000993964). The collection Bang 1550 was implicitely selected as lectotype by Rusby (1907) himself, who described the other syntype (Bang 1646) as Ocotea proboscidea.
Miscellaneous information:
According to Rohwer (1986) similar to Ocotea aciphylla, differing mainly by strongly glaucous lower leaf surfaces. See van der Werff (2014, Novon 23: 341) for further information.
URL of protologue: