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Lauraceae taxonomy
Note on Classification
List of names from TROPICOS - all other data entered by us.
N.B.: These data are in the process of being edited. Look for literature data do see if a particular name has been edited or not. The others are of course NOT all accepted names. If you have any question about a name, please contact us.
Ocotea complicata (Meisn.) Mez
Ocotea complicata (Meisn.) Mez
Reference for current status:
Moraes 2015, Harvard Pap. Bot. 20: 180.
unprocessed publication data:
Jahrb. Königl. Bot. Gart. Berlin 5: 247. 1889.
Additional type data:
Lectotype (designated by Assis and Mello Silva, 2010: 378): BRAZIL. Bahia, Ilhéus, “in sylv. arenosis maritimis pr. Ilheos,” May 1822, L. Riedel 766 (G 00369363; Isolectotypes, B 10 0185255 [F neg. 3644], F [0061435F, fragment], G [as Riedel 776], GOET, K 000575058 [as Riedel s.n.], L 0036971 [as Riedel s.n.], LE 00000570, NY). Syntype: BRAZIL. Bahia, “in sylvis Catingas ad Sincorâ locis altis,” November 1818, fr., C. F. P. von Martius s.n. (M 0111195 [F neg. 19271; “Ocotea firmula Mart.,” herbarium name; “Aydendron firmulum Nees,” herbarium name], M 0111196).
Miscellaneous information:
Rohwer (Mitt. Inst. Allg. Bot. Hamburg 20: 109. 1986) had recognized O. complicata as a valid species, based on more coriaceous leaves, larger flowers, a different cupule shape, and a different geographic distribution. Assis & Mello-Silva (Novon 20: 378. 2010) placed it in the synonymy of Ocotea fasciculata (Nees) Mez. Moraes (2015, Harvard Pap. Bot. 20: 180. 2015) insisted that this reduction was not justified.
URL of protologue: