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Persea hypoglauca Nees & Mart.
Genus: OcoteaSpecies: Ocotea hypoglauca
Persea hypoglauca Nees & Mart.
not accepted
Unacceptability Reason:
homotypic (nomenclatural) synonym
Reference for current status:
Moraes 2015, Harvard Pap. Bot. 20: 181.
unprocessed publication data:
Linnaea 8: 49. 1833.
Original type data:
In summo monte Itacolumí Provinciae Minarum Generalium; a Martius. In Brasilia, loco non adnotato; Sellow.
Additional type data:
Lectotype (designated by Rohwer, 1986: 191): BRAZIL. Minas Gerais, “in summo Monte Itacolomi 4500’ alt.,” fr., C. F. P. von Martius Obs. 903: “arbor 10–15 ped. … In summo Monte” (M 0111040 [annotated by Martius as “Persea hypoglauca”, by Meissner as “Persea scrobiculata nob. prodr.,” and by Mez as “Ocotea hypoglauca”]; Isolectotype, GZU 000254394). Syntypes: BRAZIL. Paraná, fl., F. Sellow 4803 (XXI) (B 10 0185196 [annotated by Nees], B 10 0185197, G 00020787 [as Sellow s.n.] [= Persea venosa Nees & Mart.]); BRAZIL. Loco haud indicato, fl., F. Sellow s.n. (B 10 0185313 [B neg. 1233/31; F neg. 3668]); idem, fl., F. Sellow s.n. (B 10 0185314 [B neg. 1233/32]).
Miscellaneous information:
The two syntypes are different species, as recognized already by Meisner (1864) and Mez (1889). Meisner therefore rejected the name as nomen confusum. For the Martius syntype, he created the new name Persea scrobiculata, and he placed Sello 4803 in Persea pyrifolia var. major. In addition, he claimed that the name Persea hypoglauca Nees was based also on a third Sello specimen (442 or 1387?), which he placed in Persea venosa. However, these latter numbers had not been cited by Nees in Systema Laurinarum (1836) under this species. Mez (1889) implicitly selected the Martius specimen as lectotype of Persea hypoglauca, by keeping the epithet for this specimen and placing Sello 4803 in Persea racemosa.
URL of protologue: