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Oreodaphne thymelaeoides Nees & Mart.
Genus: OcoteaSpecies: Ocotea lancifolia
Oreodaphne thymelaeoides Nees & Mart.
not accepted
Unacceptability Reason:
heterotypic (taxonomic) synonym
Reference for current status:
Moraes 2015, Harvard Pap. Bot. 20: 182.
unprocessed publication data:
Linnaea 8: 42. 1833.
Original type data:
In Provincia Minarum Generalium Brasiliae; a Martius. In ripa fluminis, rio dos mortes pequenho dicti; Sellow.
Additional type data:
Lectotype (designated by Moraes, Komarovia 6: 43. 2008): BRAZIL. Minas Gerais, Serro, “in Serro Frio,” May 1818, fl., C. F. P. von Martius s.n. (M 0111037; Isolectotype, GZU 000254370).
Additional syntype: Brazil, in ripa fluminis rio dos mortes pequenho dicti, 1819: Sello [s.n.?] (B, GZU).
Miscellaneous information:
The lectotype has been annotated by Martius as “Ocotea daphnoides”, by Nees as “Oreodaphne angustifolia thÿmelaeoides N. ab. Es. / nomen mutandum …, ob Oreod. angustifol. Schott. in Spr. Cur. post.,” and by Meissner as “Oreodaphne Martiana Nees β thymelaeoides Meissner ipse”.
Both syntypes are mounted on the same sheet in GZU. The Sello collection is probably no. 1367. Mez (1889) indicated that it was 1567, but that is clearly an error.
URL of protologue: