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Lauraceae taxonomy
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Oreodaphne pulchella var. sericeola Nees
Genus: OcoteaSpecies: Ocotea pulchella
Oreodaphne pulchella var. sericeola Nees
not accepted
Unacceptability Reason:
heterotypic (taxonomic) synonym
Reference for current status:
Rohwer 1986, Mitt. Inst. Allg. Bot. Hamburg 20
unprocessed publication data:
Linnaea 8: 40. 1833.
Original type data:
[no type indicated here; in Syst. Laur. 397. 1836: "Var. β in Herb. Reg. Berol., a Sellovio lecta c. fl. - Var. β* ♀ in Brasilia, loco incerto, var. β** ♂ diversis Brasiliae locis, praesertim in partibus australioribus ad Monte Video et in Paraguay, ab eodem lectae sunt (d. 1572, d. 1883, d. 1122. L, M, VII, (5109) ♂; 1760, O, I, VI, VIII, (5491) ♀; H, K, sterilis.) Var. β*** cum praecedentibus lecta est, (II.) ♀; Var. β**** in Brasilia tropica cum fructu maturo. (Sellow. Herb. Reg. Berol. n. 1366.)"]
Additional type data:
Syntypes: Brazil, without locality: Sello 1122; same data: Sello 1672 (B 100185467); same data: Sello 1760 (B 100185466); same data: Sello 1883; same data: Sellow 5109 (B 100185465, K 000602282, VT UVMVT001560); same data: Sello 5491; same data: Sello 1366 (B 100185380; K 000512695 - see note); possible syntypes: Sello s.n. (B 100185460 [β** deleted], B 100185461 [β*], B 100185462 [β*], B 100185463 [β***], G00201012 [β*], G 00021065 [β**], HAL 0103834 [β**], HAL0107654 [β*], K 000512692 [β*], K000512693 [β**], K 000512694 [β*], MEL 2318497 [β**])
Miscellaneous information:
The specimen Sello 1366 does not belong here. It is also syntype of Mespilodaphne pohlii Meisn. = Ocotea corymbosa (Meisn.) Mez. A specimen in K is not numbered, but clearly identical with the colletion numbered "1366" in B.
The specimen Sello 5109 was apparently also meant by Meissner (in DC., Prodr. 15(1): 99. 1864) when he cited "3109" under Mespilodaphne pulchella var. vulgaris.
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