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Lauraceae taxonomy
Note on Classification
List of names from TROPICOS - all other data entered by us.
N.B.: These data are in the process of being edited. Look for literature data do see if a particular name has been edited or not. The others are of course NOT all accepted names. If you have any question about a name, please contact us.
Ocotea foeniculacea Mez
Ocotea foeniculacea Mez
Vernacular names:
Vernacular name:
Palo santo
Vernacular name:
Reference for current status:
Rohwer, Fl. Cuba 19(2): 78. 2014.
unprocessed publication data:
Jahrb. Königl. Bot. Gart. Berlin 5: 266. 1889.
Original type data:
Hab. in Antillarum sylvis montanis, in insula Cuba: Linden n. 1763, Wright n. 92, 2586 (cum Ocotea spathulata confusa); et Puerto-Rico: Sintenis n. 4413, 4605.
Floret Aprili, Julio; fruct. Majo. (V. s. in herb. Candoll., Deless., Goetting., Kew., Krug. et Urban.)
Additional type data:
Lectotype, selected by Imkhanitskaya 1974 and specified more precisely by Rohwer [Fl. Cuba 19(2): 78. 2014]: Cuba, prov. Santiago de Cuba, “St. Yago de Cuba”, Apr 1844, Linden 1763 (G #369474; isolectotypes: BR #691186, P #128624).
Additional syntypes: Cuba, without locality: Wright 92 = 2586 (B, BM, G, GOET, K, P); Puerto Rico: Sintenis 4413 (GOET, K; fragment NY); Puerto Rico, Adjuntas, at Guilarte near Hacienda Rosario, 20 Jun 1886, Sintenis 4605 (B, BM, G, M).
Miscellaneous information:
Treated as a synonym of Ocotea spathulata by Rohwer 1986. The whole complex needs more study.
URL of protologue: