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Lauraceae taxonomy
Note on Classification
List of names from TROPICOS - all other data entered by us.
N.B.: These data are in the process of being edited. Look for literature data do see if a particular name has been edited or not. The others are of course NOT all accepted names. If you have any question about a name, please contact us.
Phoebe glaziovii Mez
Genus: AioueaSpecies: Aiouea glaziovii
Phoebe glaziovii Mez
not accepted
Unacceptability Reason:
homotypic (nomenclatural) synonym
Reference for current status:
Lorea 1996, PhD thesis
unprocessed publication data:
Jahrb. Königl. Bot. Gart. Berlin 5: 216. 1889.
Original type data:
Hab. in Brasilia, loco non indicato: Binot n. 22, Glaziou n. 6668, 8097, 15356.
(V. s. in herb. Berol., Brux., Deless., Kew., Warming.)
Additional type data:
Syntypes: Brazil, Rio de Janeiro, without locality, Binot 22 (BR 0000008762993 [fr. monstr.]); Brazil, Rio de Janeiro, Petropolis, Glaziou 6668 (BR 0000008762009, C 10013527, C 10013528, G 00368848, K 000602100, LE 00000525, MPU 018758); same locality, Glaziou 8097 (BR 0000008763327, C 10013529, C 10013530, G 00368850, LE 00000526, NY 00355907, P 00128556, P 00128557, P 00128558); same locality, Glaziou 15356 [lectotype B, designated by Lorea without having seen it] (C 10013531, C 10013532, G 00368849, K 000602101, LE 00000524, RB 00539286, RB 00547514; photo of B specimen [Herb. Eichler] F 0BN003592).
URL of protologue: