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Note on Classification
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Phoebe steyermarkiana C.K. Allen
Genus: OcoteaSpecies: Ocotea julianii
Phoebe steyermarkiana C.K. Allen
not accepted
Reference for current status:
van der Werff, Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 76: 468. 1989.
unprocessed publication data:
Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 10(5): 74. 1964.
Original type data:
Tree 7-8 m, leaves concave, coriaceous, deep green above, silvery grey-green below with fulvous- to ferruginous-brown tomentum, peduncles and pedicels pale green with brown to ferruginous tomentum, locally frequent in zanjones bordering rocky savanna above Upper Falls, between meanters of west branch of headwaters of Río Tirica, Chimantá Massif, Bolívar, Venezuela, 2150 m, 17 Feb 1955, Julian A. Steyermark & John J. Wurdack 921 (holotype, fl. NY).
[Paratypes] VENEZUELA. Bolívar: at base of upper escarpment, northwest cumbres, Churi-tepuí (Muru-tepuí), Wurdack 34234 (fr. NY); on densely forested steep, south-facing slopes overlying sandstone, between "Cave Rock" and base of high sandstone bluffs, Ptari-tepuí, Steyermark 59571 (fl. F); locally frequent along flat rocky stretches on north part of summit of Torono-tepuí, Steyermark & Wurdack 1201 (y. fr. NY); cumbre del Cerro Acopán, Caroní, Cardona 2275 (fl. US).
Miscellaneous information:
According to Rohwer (pers. obs.) a member of the Ocotea aciphylla group, but with giant cupules.
URL of protologue: