Trees. Leaves alternate, penninerved. Inflorescences in the axils of cataphylls below a terminal or axillary vegetative bud, botryoid, few-flowered. Flowers trimerous, bisexual. Tepals 9 (the normal 6 plus 3 tepaloid staminodes). Fertile stamens 6, with very broad filaments, all with a pair of glands. Outer 3 anthers introrse, inner 3 anthers latrorse. Ovary superior but half included in a cup-shaped receptacle. Fruit ellipsoid, with a shallow, double rimmed cupule.
Phyllostemonodaphne is a member of the Cinnamomoid Lauraceae, presumably of a clade including also Dicypellium, Paraia, Systemonodaphne and Urbanodendron as well as a few hermaphrodite species currently placed in Ocotea (see Chanderbali et al. 2001, Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 88: 104-134).