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TypeTitleAuthorRepliesLast updated
BiblioNova espécie bissexuada de Ocotea Aubl. (Lauraceae) de Minas Gerais e Bahia, Brasil Jens G. Rohwer08 years 6 months ago
BiblioOrigins and evolution of cinnamon and camphor: A phylogenetic and historical biogeographical analysis of the Cinnamomum group (Lauraceae) Jens G. Rohwer08 years 6 months ago
BiblioNew Lauraceae from the Malayan region. I. Jens G. Rohwer08 years 7 months ago
BiblioNew Lauraceae from the Malayan region. II. Jens G. Rohwer08 years 7 months ago
BiblioTaxonomic and nomenclatural changes in the Ocotea indecora group (Lauraceae) Jens G. Rohwer08 years 7 months ago
BiblioDe las plantas que el Ciudadano Augosto Broussonet colectó en las costas septrionales de la Africa y en las islas Canarias Jens G. Rohwer08 years 9 months ago
Anonymous (not verified)054 years 7 months ago
BiblioThe botany of the Guayana Highland - Part V Jens G. Rohwer08 years 9 months ago
BiblioLauraceas de Matto-Grosso e duas novas especies da Amazonia Jens G. Rohwer08 years 9 months ago
BiblioA new species of Caryodaphnopsis (Lauraceae) from Vietnam Jens G. Rohwer08 years 11 months ago
BiblioA new species of Beilschmiedia (Lauraceae) from the Western Ghats, India Jens G. Rohwer08 years 11 months ago
BiblioNine new taxa and a new combination in Lauraceae from India and Myanmar Jens G. Rohwer08 years 11 months ago
BiblioLitsea udayanii (Lauraceae): A new species from the southern Western Ghats, India Jens G. Rohwer08 years 11 months ago
BiblioOrdo CLXII. Lauraceae Jens G. Rohwer09 years 2 days ago
BiblioNew Lauraceae from Southern India Jens G. Rohwer09 years 2 days ago
BiblioÁrboles de Cuba Jens G. Rohwer09 years 1 week ago
BiblioNomenclator botanicus Jens G. Rohwer09 years 3 weeks ago
BiblioSynopsis plantarum Jens G. Rohwer09 years 3 weeks ago
BiblioThe Silva of North America Jens G. Rohwer09 years 3 weeks ago
BiblioFlora Boreali-Americana Jens G. Rohwer09 years 3 weeks ago
BiblioThe Bahama Flora Jens G. Rohwer09 years 3 weeks ago
BiblioSertum antillanum. V. Jens G. Rohwer09 years 3 weeks ago
BiblioThe Botany of the voyage of H.M.S. Sulphur - The Botanical Descriptions Jens G. Rohwer09 years 3 weeks ago
BiblioAportes al conocimiento taxonómico del género Persea (Lauraceae) en Venezuela Jens G. Rohwer09 years 3 weeks ago
BiblioStudies of West Indian plants---XI Jens G. Rohwer09 years 3 weeks ago


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith