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TypeTitleAuthorRepliesLast updated
BiblioMezilaurus revolutifolia (Lauraceae), a new species from Brazilian Atlantic Forest Jens G. Rohwer04 years 4 months ago
BiblioA systematic revision of the Neotropical species of Cinnamomum Schaeffer (Lauraceae) Jens G. Rohwer04 years 5 months ago
BiblioA new species and new combinations of Neotropical Cinnamomum Jens G. Rohwer04 years 5 months ago
BiblioLauraceae no Parque Estadual das Lauráceas - taxonomia, fitossociologia e fitogeografia Jens G. Rohwer04 years 5 months ago
BiblioRiqueza e endemismo de Lauraceae no Paraná: aspectos fitogeográficos e áreas prioritárias para a conservação Jens G. Rohwer04 years 5 months ago
BiblioAlseodaphnopsis (Lauraceae) revisited Jens G. Rohwer04 years 5 months ago
BiblioPlastid phylogenomics improve phylogenetic resolution in the Lauraceae Jens G. Rohwer04 years 5 months ago
BiblioPersea himalayensis (Lauraceae), a superfluous name for Machilus odoratissima and second-step lectotypification of Machilus odoratissima Jens G. Rohwer04 years 5 months ago
BiblioLauraceae Jens G. Rohwer04 years 5 months ago
BiblioStout camphor tree genome fills gaps in understanding of flowering plant genome evolution Jens G. Rohwer04 years 5 months ago
BiblioAnatomy and development of fruits of Lauraceae from the Middle Eocene Princeton Chert Jens G. Rohwer04 years 5 months ago
BiblioComparative floral anatomy and development in Neotropical Lauraceae Jens G. Rohwer04 years 5 months ago
BiblioTipificaciones en la familia Lauraceae de la Flora del Paraguay Jens G. Rohwer04 years 5 months ago
BiblioNovedades taxonómicas en Nectandra Rottb. y Ocotea Aubl. (Lauraceae) de la Flora del Paraguay Jens G. Rohwer04 years 5 months ago
BiblioTwo new species of Alseodaphnopsis (Lauraceae) from southwestern China and northern Myanmar: evidence from morphological and molecular analyses Jens G. Rohwer04 years 5 months ago
BiblioTaxonomic notes on vascular plants in Japan and its adjacent regions (II) Jens G. Rohwer04 years 5 months ago
BiblioComments on the East Asiatic Plants (4) Jens G. Rohwer04 years 5 months ago
BiblioTowards a phylogenetic classification of the Ocotea complex (Lauraceae): an analysis with emphasis on the Old World taxa and description of the new genus Kuloa Jens G. Rohwer04 years 5 months ago
BiblioTwo new species of Lauraceae from Espírito Santo, Brazil Jens G. Rohwer04 years 5 months ago
BiblioA new species of Ocotea (Lauraceae) from the eastern lowlands of Ecuador Jens G. Rohwer05 years 2 months ago
BiblioFlora das cangas da Serra dos Carajás, Pará, Brasil: Lauraceae Jens G. Rohwer05 years 2 months ago
BiblioTowards a phylogenetic classification of the Ocotea complex (Lauraceae): classification principles and reinstatement of Mespilodaphne Jens G. Rohwer05 years 2 months ago
Anonymous (not verified)054 years 7 months ago
Anonymous (not verified)054 years 7 months ago
BiblioPlantae Centrali-Americanae, II Jens G. Rohwer06 years 5 months ago


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith