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Oreodaphne phillyreoides Nees
Genus: OcoteaSpecies: Ocotea phillyreoides
Oreodaphne phillyreoides Nees
not accepted
Unacceptability Reason:
homotypic (nomenclatural) synonym
Reference for current status:
Moraes 2015, Harvard Pap. Bot. 20: 184.
unprocessed publication data:
Syst. Laur. 400. 1836.
Original type data:
Cryptocarya monticola Mart. in Herb. Bras. Monac.
Cryptocarya dubia Spreng. in Herb. Reg. Berol. (nec Humb. et Kunth.)
In montosis arbusto consitis graminosisque Provinciae Minarum generalium Brasiliae, alt. 2800-3600', fruticem hermaphrodito - femineum cum fructibus legit cl. Martius; hermaphrodito - masculum in Brasilia tropica florentem invenit Sellow. (Herb. Reg. Berol. n. 1362.)
Additional type data:
Lectotype, designated by Moraes (Komarovia 6: 36. 2008) - but see note below: BRAZIL. São Paulo, “Rio das Pedras,” fl. ♂, F. Sellow B 1362 c 393 (B 10 0185369; Isolectotypes, B 10 0185367, K 000575057). Probable isolectotypes: BRAZIL. Loco haud indicato, fl. ♂, F. Sellow s.n. (G-DC 00201230, HAL 0103830); idem, loco haud indicato, fl., F. Sellow s.n. (B 10 0185370, ex Herb. Baschant). Syntype: BRAZIL. Minas Gerais, “in montosis, alt. 2800–3600’,” “Cryptocarya monticola Martius” [herbarium name], fl. ♀, immat. fr., C. F. P. von Martius s.n. (M 0111178 [annotated by Nees as “Oreodaphne philÿraeoides” and by Meissner as “Mespilodaphne phillyreoides β oblonga”).
Miscellaneous information:
Sello 1362 is also syntype of Mespilodaphne phillyraeoides var. β oblonga Meisn. This could be regarded as an implicit lectotypification in the sense of one of the other Sellow specimens, but as Meissner wrote "Max. Sellow", it is unclear which specimen this should be.
Nees spelt the epithet "phillyreoides", based on the genus Phillyrea.
Rohwer (Mitt. Inst. Allg. Bot. Hamburg 20: 168. 1986) had considered this name a probable synonym of Ocotea tristis (Nees) Mez.
URL of protologue: