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Lauraceae taxonomy
Note on Classification
List of names from TROPICOS - all other data entered by us.
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Damburneya salicifolia (Kunth) Trofimov & Rohwer
Family: LauraceaeGenus: Damburneya
Damburneya salicifolia (Kunth) Trofimov & Rohwer
Reference for current status:
Trofimov et al., Taxon 65: 992. 2016.
unprocessed publication data:
Taxon 65: 992. 2016.
Additional type data:
Lectotype (first-step, designated by Rohwer, Fl. Neotrop. Monogr. 60: 71. 1993; second-step, designated by Trofimov & Rohwer, Taxon 65: 992. 2016): Mexico. Guerrero: Acapulco, Humboldt & Bonpland 3880 (P barcode P00128686!; isolectotypes: B barcode B 10 0243838!, B-W barcode B -W 07815 -01 0!, MICH barcode 1210245 [photo!], P barcodes P00128687! & P00128688!).